My little mare had about three hairs in December when I started using mane Magic and you can see in the before and after the difference!! She is growing back a nice even mane and it is so good! I applied mane magic weekly and will continue to do so! You only need a little bit as it goes a long way!
This stuff is amazing. Always great comments on turnout when using this product. People are constantly asking how on earth do you get the socks so white… well this is the key.
Best wash bar I’ve used! Especially having a pinto with four white socks! I won’t be using anything else apart from this product! The bar makes him glow without even raving to put one make up!!!
We usually use this bar on our team of ponies, but also found it worked wonders on our pet goat, who was having some itchy skin issues, after only one wash he was much more comfortable and the skin issues resolved very quickly. He also looked super clean and shiny, I highly recommend for your horse/ pony/ dog or goat!
My little mare had about three hairs in December when I started using mane Magic and you can see in the before and after the difference!! She is growing back a nice even mane and it is so good! I applied mane magic weekly and will continue to do so! You only need a little bit as it goes a long way!
This stuff is amazing. Always great comments on turnout when using this product. People are constantly asking how on earth do you get the socks so white… well this is the key.
My little mare had about three hairs in December when I started using mane Magic and you can see in the before and after the difference!! She is growing back a nice even mane and it is so good! I applied mane magic weekly and will continue to do so! You only need a little bit as it goes a long way!
Mane Magic Hair Regrowth Balm
Kobi Matthews
Super whitening
This stuff is amazing. Always great comments on turnout when using this product. People are constantly asking how on earth do you get the socks so white… well this is the key.
Whitening Chalk / Paint
Kobi Matthews
Awesome product
Wouldn't be with out this in my show prep kit!
Bright White Shampoo
Carla Hales
This stuff is amazing
Brings my high white pintos coat up beautifully
Leaves her coat soft and shiney
Bright White Shampoo
Leather Witch
Love love Leather Witch. Being awhile since I cleaned my boots and they are 4 years old they look fabulous now